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Hanuman Chalisa Predicted The Distance Between Sun And Earth.


Astronauts Drink Water From Silver Filters - Just imagine this. If silver wouldn’t have been there, the astronauts wouldn’t have been able to drink purified water. Most space shuttles are equipped with silver made water purifiers so that the water remains distilled and fit-for-drinking for longer time.


River Ganga water doesn’t go bad if being kept for a long time. The holy river Ganga has its bacteria called Bacteriophage. It infects and kills other harmful bacteria invading the river. the Ganga is the only river in the world that decomposes organic wastes at a rate 15 to 20 times faster than any other river in the entire world.


Rural North Africa henna twigs are used by the local population as toothpicks to maintain healthy gums and clean teeth. Who would’ve thought Mehendi would serve as an alternative to expensive dental fee!


Diseases such as colon cancer, small pox, leprosy and blood loss during the childbirth can be handled by using Mehendi.


You have the Mughal rulers to thank for, in bringing Mehendi to the subcontinent. According to historians, Mughal rulers brought Mehendi and introduced it to the local population in around 1200 A.D.


Mehendi can be instrumental in relieving a person from mental stress, curing fevers and dissipating headaches. So now you know why we apply a generous amount of Mehendi to the bride.


Historically yoga practitioners believed we only have a limited number of breaths in life, so we should make life last longer by taking slow, deep breaths.


The word ‘yoga’ first appeared in the Katha Upanishad, an ancient religious text.


Swami Vivekananda, a Bengali intellect, is responsible for introducing the practice of yoga and meditation to the people of Chicago, where his ideas were seen as new and revolutionary.


Male yoga practitioners are known as 'yogis', female practitioners are known as 'yoginis'.


72% of yoga practitioners are women.


Silver Can Keep You Warmer In Winters.


Silver can make it rain - The compound silver iodide has been used for cloud seeding, to cause clouds to produce rain and try to control hurricanes.


Your IQ stays the same throughout your life.


Babies exposed to classical music end up smarter - The truth is… Although it’s tempting to believe, there is no evidence to support the idea that playing classical music to a baby can make the baby smarter.


The color wheel was invented by Isaac Newton - Around 1665 Isaac Newton used a prism to turn white light into a rainbow and identified seven colors. He felt the last color, indigo, was a recurrence of the first color, red and decided to arrange the colors in a circle.


Yellow and red together make you hungry - Fast food chains figured this out years ago and use this color combination over and over in branding, advertising and restaurant decor.


Did you know Agra was not supposed to be the actual site for Taj Mahal? Earlier, Taj Mahal was to be built in Burhanpur (Madhya Pradesh) where Mumtaz died during the childbirth. But unfortunately, Burhanpur couldn’t supply enough white marble and so the final decision was taken to build the Taj Mahal in Agra which has now become a popular domestic tourist attraction in Agra.


The foundation of Taj Mahal would have collapsed if it wasn’t on the Yamuna Bank. Yes, Taj’s foundation is made of timber which is not supposed to be long-lasting. So you can picturise well that the wood must have weaken over the period of time but it is because of the Yamuna River that the wood is kept strong and moist till date.

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