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'fan' is short for 'fanatic'


M*A*S*H stood for 'Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.


Blood is 6 times thicker than water.


Clouds fly higher during the day than the night


Over 500 meteorites hit the Earth each year


Rain contains vitamin B12


The number 1 cause of blindness in the US is diabetes.


Human brain weights 2% of your body weight though uses 20% of all oxygen you breathe and 15% of the bodys blood supply.


The first taxi service began in New York in 1907.


The first toothbrush was invented in 1498


Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for three hours.


Plastic bags are easier to recycle and require less energy to produce than paper bags.


In the U.S. alone, 18 billion diapers are thrown out a year


Globally, there are over 430 commercial nuclear power reactors in 31 countries.


India exports software to 90 countries.


Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world


The driest spot on Earth is the Atacama Desert of Chile and Peru. In the center of this desert, there are places where rain has never been recorded.


Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies, which originated in India.


Chess was invented in India.


Electric utilities are the largest source of greenhouse gas in America.

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