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Intelligence is above Physical strength, but goodness mixed with Intelligence taste awesome.

When Intelligence Meets Goodness is new fiction book by Redish Fernandes will make you rethink that “Honesty is the best policy.”

Shravan a Chief Officer for spy, in the Kingdom of “King Chakradar Singh” of Gaganpur and best friend of Prince of Gaganpur “Veer Singh”. Shravan is a low caste boy; his father was a foot soldier in the Kingdom of Gaganpur. Rajguru, (Royal Priest of Gaganpur) on whose request Shravan was allowed to have Raj Vidhya (Royal Education) and there they met (Shravan and Prince Veer) and they become best of Friends. Shravan is known formind games and is also good in bow & arrow too. His biggest asset is his presence of mind. Things were going well for both for their Friendship and for the Kingdom of Gaganpur until the crooked fellow King Raguvendra King of Dangalpur marries Princes of Ganganpur “Saundaria” (younger sister of Prince Veer). Will he be able to break their friendship? What is his plan? Will he be successful in his plan? Will life be fair with Shravan, will it give him in return good for his goodness and honesty.

This Novel is mixture of interesting story and valuable sayings.

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