All Tips
If curds have become too sour to eat as is, tie as above for 3-4 hours, add milk and use in raitas, curd rice, etc.
Scrape coconut shells clean with sand paper. Make their surfaces smooth by rubbing Sand paper, and make decorative bowls, ladles, etc. by painting, varnishing and Decorating with beads, shells, etc.
Cut a small piece of the base of flower stalks each day, and add a capsule contents of B complex to the vase water, to make cut flowers last longer.
Never add pineapple as is, to jellies, etc. since it will not set well and taste bitter too. Always Boil in a little sweetened water, and drain, or use canned fruit (if you must).
Use tissue papers for reheating fried snacks. Eg. samosa, vada, kachori, bhajji, etc. The paper will absorb the excess oil and moisture and keep the snack crisp. Reheat on high for 1-1 1/2 minute.
To ease the pouring of sauces in narrow necked bottles, use a funnel, holding it just above the top, stem inside, but not resting on the bottle. This way the air inside the bottle will easily pass out, while the suace is flowing in. It will not cause blockages and choking of the funnel. If bottom of funnel stem is so narrow as to block flow, snip off a small portion.
After bananas have ripened, store in the refrigerator to help slow down ripening. The skin will turn dark brown, but this does not damage the fruit inside.
Instead of folding and hanging delicate organzas and tissue sarees, request you dhobi to roll them on a textile roll Wooden stick. This way they will not cut or tear at the folded creases for long unused sarees.
When cutting hard vegetables like potatoes, beetroots or carrots, put them in the microwave oven before cutting them into slices. They will be much easier to cut.
Add a few drops of limejuice and a tsp. of ghee to rice before boiling to separate each grain.
Make bread crumbs from toasts and store some in the fridge. They come in