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Sweet Potato and Sweetcorn Pancakes

By: Admin
Region: Indian
Dish:Vegetarian - Breakfast/Tiffins/Snacks
Servings: 4
Time to Prepare: 20 Mins


-500g sweet potatoes
-1 x 200g tin of sweetcorn in water
-1 tin’s worth of self-raising flour (approx 150g)
-6 free-range eggs
-50g feta cheese
-olive oil
-1 x 220g jar of pickled jalapeños
-2 limes
-1 ripe avocado
-optional: fresh coriander


- Preheat the oven to 130°C/250°F/gas ½. Take the sweet potatoes and give them a thorough scrub. Then, using a fork, prick the sweet potatoes all over to allow steam to escape during cooking. Place the sweet potatoes in the microwave on high for approximately 10 minutes, or until they become tender.

- Tip the sweetcorn (juices and all), into a large bowl. Add a tin’s worth of self-raising flour and crack in 2 of the eggs. Sprinkle in a pinch of sea salt and black pepper, then whisk the ingredients together until a smooth batter forms. Break the cooked sweet potatoes into large pieces and incorporate them into the batter. Finally, crumble in half of the feta cheese and thoroughly mix everything together to combine the flavors.

- Heat a non-stick frying pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat. Spoon 4 heaped tablespoons of the batter into the pan, shaping them into thick fritter-style pancakes. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden. Transfer the cooked pancakes to an oven on a baking tray to keep them warm while repeating the process with the remaining batter. Continue until all the batter is used up.

- Tip the whole jar of jalapeños and brine into a blender, squeeze in the juice of one lime and blitz until smooth. Peel, destone and roughly chop the avocado and place in a bowl, then dress with a little of the jalapeño sauce and mix well. Place the frying pan back on a medium heat with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, then crack in the remaining eggs and fry to your liking.

- Divide the fritters onto two plates, stacking them neatly. Place a fried egg on top of each stack and generously spoon the dressed avocado over them. Crumble the remaining feta cheese on top. Finish off with an additional drizzle of the spicy jalapeño sauce and a lime wedge for added zest. Serve and enjoy!


Sweet Potato and Sweetcorn Pancakes offer a delightful combination of flavors and textures. The addition of sweetcorn brings a burst of sweetness and a slight crunch.

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